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18500 Murdock Circle
Port Charlotte, FL 33948

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Weir Inspection and Repair Design

Project Description

The ELK 3.45, FOR 5.11 and a weir on the Pellam Waterway were found to be damaged.  The cause of the damage is not known.  An engineering firm has been hired to assess these three water control stuctures to determine the extent of the deficincies and then to prepaire a cost effective plan that will successfully restore the structures so that they operate as designed.  

Project Location

The ELK 3.45 is located on the Elkcam Waterway near 1540 Birchcrest Blvd.  The FOR 5.11 is located on the Fordham Waterway at Peachland Blvd.  The Pellam weir is located on the Pellam Waterway near Cochran Blvd.

Latest Updates

The scope of work and fee was finalized February 20, 2025.  The Purchase Order was issued 2/24/2025.


Phase Cost
Design $71,484.00
Funding source(s): Mid County Stormwater MSBU


Phase Estimated Start Date Forecast Completion Actual Completion
Planning and Approval 12/04/2024 03/07/2025 02/28/2025
Design Development 03/15/2025 08/13/2025
Construction 11/01/2025 01/31/2026

Project Phase
Planning and Project Approval

Last Updated

Project Manager
Karen Bliss

Public Relations
Chad Ray
Email Public Relations

Project Number

Sponsor Department
Public Works Engineering

Design Engineer/Architect
Johnson Engineering

Construction Contractor

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